
資訊安全顧問 (EA)

職責 :
Perform security assessment; Participate in IT security consulting & professional services including project planning, security solution design & implementation & system security consultancy (1 yr exp in IT security or IT audit related role, with Certification in CISSP/CISM/CRISC/CISA/CISSP is pref)
資歷 :
專上教育:文憑/證書; 1年經驗; 良好粵語; 一般普通話; 良好英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; (Conducted vulnerability assessment and penetration testing for customers regularly)
待遇 :
每月$23,000 - $35,000(視乎經驗而定) (Provide advisory on information security to finance & banking clients), 星期一至五: 上午9時至下午6時, 每週工作5天 (有雙糧, 銀行假期, 獎勵性花紅及醫療福利), (Research the latest trend in information security)
申請須知 :
求職者可電郵(sharon@besteam.com.hk)履歷表給合眾人事顧問有限公司。如要索取收集個人資料聲明, 請與楊小姐(26275233)聯絡。
薪資:待遇 : 每月$23,000 - $35,000(視乎經驗而定) (Provide advisory on information security to finance & banking clients), 星期一至五: 上午9時至下午6時, 每週工作5天 (有雙糧, 銀行假期, 獎勵性花紅及醫療福利), (Research the latest trend in information security)
快工Job By: 合眾人事顧問有限公司
【所在區域】:港島 中西區
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