職責 : Responsible for website&mobile web analysis, dev,implementation testing, bug fixing&deployment, ensure website&mobile web are compatible across diff browser, develop various online campaigns(Exp in SCSS, HTML5&responsive Web, Knowl of Social Media API & Web App pref)(Fresh grad. will be considered) 資歷 : 專上教育:文憑/證書; 1年經驗; 良好粵語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂閱讀英文; Proficiency in PHP, HTML, CSS, APACHE, MySQL, AJAX/ JQUERY & JAVASCRIPT 待遇 : 每月$17,000-19,000(視乎工作經驗而定),有醫療福利(非醫療津貼),賞贈及酌情性花紅,公眾假期, 晉升機會, 免費接駁巴士, 上午10時至下午7時, 每週工作5天,輪休(work with Product Managers in fulfilling user requirements), (Keep up w/ current trends in web & mobile web industry) 申請須知 : 求職者可致電36001991/傳真36001900/電郵staff.hr@on.cc履歷表給東方人力資源有限公司。如要索取收集個人資料聲明,請與郭小姐(Tel/Fax/Email)聯絡。
薪資:待遇 :
每月$17,000-19,000(視乎工作經驗而定),有醫療福利(非醫療津貼),賞贈及酌情性花紅,公眾假期, 晉升機會, 免費接駁巴士, 上午10時至下午7時, 每週工作5天,輪休(work with Product Managers in fulfilling user requirements), (Keep up w/ current trends in web & mobile web industry)